Photographing Snow Geese in the Wild

Doug Gardner
Duration:   12  mins


Snow geese are exciting to photograph during migration. In this video, pro wildlife photographer Doug Gardner travels to a South Carolina refuge where the snow geese gather. The birds are constantly moving, flying in and flying out in swarming flocks. You will learn the importance of shutter speeds to stop the action. Doug uses a long telephoto lens and shoots at 1/2000 at f8. He tries to focus on the bird’s eye or body for image clarity. The snow goose is pure white and highly reflective. To avoid overexposure, he spot meters off the neutral gray trees and then backs off his exposure by a stop. Ultimately, the key to photographing migrating snow geese is patience.

See all videos in our Photographing Waterfowl Along the Eastern Coast Course:

Photographing Waterfowl Along the Eastern Coast – Course Preview
Photographing Wildlife in the South Santee Marsh
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This video: Photographing Snow Geese in the Wild
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Waterfowl Photography: Tips and Techniques