Photographing Osprey

Doug Gardner
Duration:   9  mins


On Lake Marion in South Carolina, professional wildlife photographer Doug Gardner discovers an osprey nest, home to a dad, a mom, and three chicks. He navigates his jon boat into a quiet cove and sets up his camera gear for a day of capturing osprey.

In this video, you will learn the best methods of exposure including the Sunny 16 rule and also metering for the gray neutral zone, the nest itself. To photograph osprey in flight, he recommends shooting at 1/500th shutter speed or greater, and then adjusting your f-stop and ISO readings. For you automatic shooters, he suggests using shutter priority.

Join pro Doug Gardner as he makes memorable images of osprey hunting and feeding their young.

See all videos in our Capturing South Carolina’s Lake Marion Course:

Capturing South Carolina’s Lake Marion – Course Preview
This video: Photographing Osprey
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