Tips for Mixing and Matching Sewing Fabrics

Tara Rex
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Duration:   2  mins


If you’ve been sewing a while, or even if you’ve just recently started, you’ve probably got more than a few pieces of fabric lying around your sewing room. And while just one of those fabrics may not be enough to complete a project, combining multiple fabrics could get it done. Tara Rex shows you that it’s okay to mix-and-match sewing fabrics – even combining polka dots with stripes!

Auditioning your fabrics before cutting anything out is an important part of sewing, especially if you want to eliminate possible fabric waste. Simply lying fabrics out on a table to see if they complement each other – or clash – helps you get a better idea of what your finished project will look like. Tara shows you several examples of what works and what doesn’t, and also gives ideas of what to keep in mind when auditioning your fabric, like what the project is and who you are making it for.