Creating a Studio Environment to Capture Hummingbird Images

Doug Gardner
Duration:   6  mins


Photographing speedy little hummingbirds takes preparation. In this video, wildlife photographer Ben Clewis shows you how to create a studio environment in your own backyard to capture memorable hummingbird images.

For backgrounds, Ben uses colored boards or pots of flowers. As a foreground, Ben sets up a small sprig of flowers. He uses two side flash units and an additional unit on the camera. He experiments with his camera settings and adjusts the flash power up or down depending on how he wants to capture the bird’s wing movements, stopped or blurred.

It all takes time and patience, but the process yields remarkable photographs.

See all videos in our How to Photograph Hummingbirds Course:

How to Photograph Hummingbirds – Course Preview
Photographing Hummingbirds: Tips and Techniques
Ben Clewis Goes One on One with Doug Gardner
This video: Creating a Studio Environment to Capture Hummingbird Images
How to Capture Hummingbirds in Action