Core Conditioning
Chris FreytagDescription
You’ll begin your core conditioning workout with a warm up to wake up your muscles. You’ll move through several yoga poses including upward and downward facing dog to open up your body and give it a nice stretch. Then you’ll perform moves like runner’s lunges, hip circles, and side planks to further warm up your muscles and joints. Child’s pose will always be available to you during this bodyweight workout routine if you need a little break.
The workout includes intervals consisting of three exercises you perform for two minutes; you then repeat each circuit two more times before going on to the next circuit full of new moves. The first circuit begins with three-legged downward dog transitioning into knee pulls. This move is amazing for the abs, and will prepare your core for the rest of the work it will take on afterwards. You’ll do push-ups in between the three-legged dogs to also work your shoulders.
The next circuit in this core conditioning workout uses squat punches and oblique crunches, while also incorporating a nice yoga-inspired move: warrior 3 front kicks. The subsequent circuits will have you perform moves like single leg walk outs and plank toe taps, as well as Russian Twists (an amazing core move) and glute bridges. Your core should stay engaged and tight throughout the entire workout, ensuring you’re toning your tummy and strengthening the surrounding muscles through this powerful bodyweight workout program.
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Bodyweight, Mat
Instructor: Lindsey Bomgrem