10-Minute Tank Top Arms
Sam CameranesiDescription
If you’ve got 10 minutes, you’ve got time to tone those arms! Sam Cameranesi is going to coach you through this workout with energy galore and tips to modify This 10-Minute Tank Top Arms workout uses a mat and two sets of dumbbells, one heavy for the bigger lifts like bicep curls and a lighter set for lat raises and front shoulder raises. Push-ups? Of course! Tricep work? Yup! This entire workout blasts the arms and shoulders all while staying low impact.
After a quick warm up, you’ve got six basic moves to march through until you get your one and only breather before starting the whole thing over to repeat. Of course we saved the best for last! Stick around for the last two minutes and Sam is going to slay your arms with a finisher that will also push your heart rate up and burn up the calories!
Beautiful, sculpted arms are truly amazing but remember, this is all about functioning in your everyday life! We know people who strength train are known to have younger bodies than their actual chronological age. You might be 60, but your strong arms say you’re only 45 and still going strong! In addition, those who continue to strength train as they age are more independent than their peers and more likely to be self-sufficient well into old age!
So get that mat, pull out those dumbbells, and give yourself 10-Minute Tank Top Arms!